WHen Thoughts Outpace US

There are days when the pace of your thoughts outpaces the pace of action at work and in life.

It feels like being stuck in a slow motion movie, that you eagerly want to fast forward. You want things (often specific things) to move faster and reach the desired state. Yet, nothing seems to be moving at the desired pace, and often not even in the desired direction.

The feeling on not being in control permeates to most parts of the daily life. You feel sluggish to get through the work chores (that pending email response/ slide), and even your daily dose of exercise or reading or whatever else gives you a sense of achievement. There is a feeling of restlessness.

In a best case scenario you get back your mojo in a few hours. Sometimes though, this can pull you in a downward spiral that can go on for many days/ weeks.

Sharing a couple of things that can help in dealing with such situations. Would love to hear what helps you snap out of the spiral.

1. At this time it's important to realize that this is normal, and not beat yourself up for having such thoughts. All of us feel like this at different points of time. Observe your thoughts rather than try to control them. Putting words to the emotion can help. Articulating what you are feeling (tired or frustrated or whatever else) helps get the steam out.

2. Take a break, even if for 30 mns, and do something that reinvigorates you. It could be a short walk, having a ice cream, talking to someone, or reading a book, or anything else.

3. Get some physical activity. Somehow, in the moment you don't feel like doing something physical (riding a bike/ walking/ exercising) but almost every time you feel a hundred times better after getting some physical activity done.

4. Think about everything else that's working well in your life. Sometimes that one event that's not going as per plan outshines all the other things that are going well. Making a list of things that are going well helps.


Many lives many paths


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