Most Things are decided on Thin Margins

Most things are decided on thin margins.

When you play a game of squash or tennis, the difference between a score line of 3-1 and 2-2 could just be one point in 1 of the 4 games you played. That single point decided the outcome of the match. Likewise in cricket, it could be that 1 run that makes the difference between winning and losing.

While it's easy to spot this in sport, the same principle plays out every time in work and life as well. That little extra polishing of the project to build the executive summary, those few more minutes on the treadmill, that personal touch in the greeting you send someone’s way, - every little thing shines through. It's the little things that count.

And here is the best part. That little extra takes little time. It's often the mind that gives us or urges us to settle for the 'good enough' vs. the 'very good'.


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