Getting Strated
When trying to work out, sometimes the aspiration takes over. I want to do the workout that's the most rewarding. The one that has cardio, weights and abs all rolled in. Unfortunately, given that this perfect workout requires at least 90 mns and lots of motivation, it seldom does materialize.
Likewise, when it comes to writing, I often want to create the masterpiece. The one that's very well researched, that links many concepts together, has a bit of humour and is completely a new take on something. Here again, seldom does everything align for this masterpiece to become a reality. I am still waiting for it to happen!
If we keep waiting to do things only when everything is perfect, we will seldom end up doing anything.
Our best workout is the one that we are excited to do and therefore end up doing, even if it is the simpler one for 15 mns. If we keep at it, we develop interest and momentum making it easier to do a 30 mns intense workout a few weeks down.
Likewise, your perfect write up is the one you actually write, irrespective of how short or in-depth it is. The more you write the better you get.
The trick with doing something awesome is getting started. Getting started is really about doing something small or something you are excited about, and not the most audacious thing. Audacious things happen when we build momentum from several small successful steps.