My Journey with Books: 2021

Up till when I was 8 or 9, my grandmother would read out books to me every single day after lunch. It was my moved cherished part of the day. We would both lie down and she would read for an hour to me. She read most of the children's classics to me. This was her idea to encourage me to read. I loved listening to the stories, but didn't really pick up on the reading part.

I have never really been a book person for a large part of my life. I was very diligent when it came to academics, but reading for interest wasn't my thing. I have been the sorts who would skip the library period in school to be at the playground or just chat with friends.

As I started working, I had the occasional spurt of reading that lasted a few books a time at best. And then the work would catch-up, with the weekends being reserved for being at the sports complex or chilling with friends.

If the pandemic had a silver lining, it's helped me reconnect with books. In 2021, I started by committed to reading a few pages every single day. And within a few weeks, it became something I looked forward to. I clocked 40 books by the year end, and am looking to better it in 2022.

Some of the reads I most enjoyed in 2021 include

1. Think Again by Adam Grant
2. Hunt Gather and Parent by Michaeleen Doucleff
3. Atomic Habits by James Clear
4. Psychology Money by Morgan Housel
5. Range by David Epstein

Would love hear about books you enjoyed reading in 2021. Any recommendations in the non-fictional category.


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