My learnings on Mental Health
very morning, I try and pen down some thoughts that come to my mind before I get started with my day.
Today morning, I found myself trying to recall my learnings pertaining to mental health during periods of extended home confinement and anxiety during the 2nd COVID wave. To me they were a useful reminder of what to focus on over the next few weeks as we stay more indoors, and hope to tide over the new COVID strain.
1. Each of us have things that make us happy and be in the zone. For me it’s about working out, or getting down to writing my thoughts. Consciously curating time, even if it is 30 mns, for what makes you happy every day has a significant impact on your mental health.
2. Sometimes I find myself getting pulled into mindless scrolling. I have not once come out of a phone scrolling session refreshed. I consciously remind myself about this every time. In fact in our house, we have told out 7 year old if he sees Amma or Daddy scrolling on the phone he can confiscate it for the next few hours. His fear works like a charm!!
3. Focusing on gratitude helps. It really helped me through 2021 as I counted my blessings and how lucky I was. Like with most things, I required a daily dose of it, and made it a ritual to write 1 thing I was grateful for every day.
4. Mental health isn’t binary, but rather a spectrum. Some days we are on the right side of the range and on other days we are on the short side. Acknowledging that not every day will be the same is helpful and gives us control & perspective. Being upset with yourself when you are on the left side of the range only amplifies the problem. Giving yourself the permission to experience a not so optimal mental health day was helpful.
5. Talking about it makes it easier. I would talk about it with my wife, my mother and select friends. Putting words to the emotions and sharing it with people close to you helps get through the tough times.
Would love to hear how you dealt with mental health.