Musings, published a few times every week, are my attempt at sharing diverse perspectives to help us better navigate our lives.
The key theme I explore is how can we progress towards achieving our potential, and thereby become more accomplished & secure. Some of these ideas come from my own experience, while others come from a thorough study of management research & leadership books, perspectives from science, arts, history, and discussions with industry practitioners across sectors & functions.
Guerrilla Warfare for Goals
New years are typically time for resolutions. But as I started down that (often precarious) road, I realized what has kept me from achieving my goals in the years (and for the better part of January 2020) that went by. It has not been a lack of intent or passion. It really has been my inability to find time for things that matter to me. I’ve been unable to consistently prioritize what’s important to me vs. where I spend my time. And this seems to be pandemic.