Musings, published a few times every week, are my attempt at sharing diverse perspectives to help us better navigate our lives.
The key theme I explore is how can we progress towards achieving our potential, and thereby become more accomplished & secure. Some of these ideas come from my own experience, while others come from a thorough study of management research & leadership books, perspectives from science, arts, history, and discussions with industry practitioners across sectors & functions.

Myth: People Only Leave Because of Bad Bosses
For the longest time, every other week there is a post that talks about how people leave bad bosses or quit managers and not companies.
Now while I don't disagree with this, i do feel this is a bit too simplistic. Let me explain.

The ability to think to make choices and trade-offs, and therefore decisions, is what makes us human. Everyday we need to take thousands of decisions to function effectively. Some of these may well be small decisions take we take in a fraction of a second with short term or miniscule consequences, while others maybe big decisions with long term consequences on our lives for years to come. The quality of these decisions and their compounding effect has a direct bearing on the quality of our lives and the success we achieve (or not).

Define IT To Achieve It
I haven’t yet met anyone who achieved anything in life without defining what they want! And, I have also not met anyone for whom things have gone purely as planned!

Doing Something GReat is Overrated
"Doing something great is overrated because then people expect that from you all the time. What they don't realize is that you're just as screwed up as they are."

Who’s Your Wall?
We tell a story to our son every night when we put him to sleep.
Sometimes we read out stories from books and sometimes we make up stories. He loves stories of magic, wizard and witches.

Responsibility Does Wonders
"Few things can help an individual more than to place responsibility on him, and to let him know that you trust him.” ~Booker T. Washington

Don’t Undersell
I see a lot of this all around, and have been guilty of these on many counts too.
- As a sales person, sometimes we are ready to discount even before client asks for a price reduction.

Plan Without a Buffer is not a pLan
A plan without a plan for an unplanned happening will never go as per plan.

Timing of Preparation Matters
When we are preparing for an event last minute isn't much different from trying to run the morning of the blood test and hoping for a clean health report.

Seniority is Earned
Seniority is not just about the privilege of taking decisions and the corner office.

Difference between A good & Great Career
Not often do we come across opportunities that can potentially propel us. It could be a new role, or additional responsibilities, or admission in a college of our choice, or getting to work on an aspirational project/ company.

Bows & Arrows
One of my biggest #learnings over the last 4 years, running and scaling a large #analytics #globaldelivery set-up, is that it finally comes down to having bows & arrows.