Bike Riding with a Toddler
Last year, I was trying to teach my 5 year old how to ride a bike without supporters. It was challenging to say the least.
Every evening I would start by cajoling him to come for practice. Most days I managed to convince him, but not always! On days that we did show-up, it was a tiresome experience. He felt scared at times, falling often (thankfully on grass), frustrated at not being able to balance. Not to mention hot & sweaty! I would run behind him as he rode, trying to hold the cycle & let him go at the same time. A few weeks into this, he started doing short distances (20 mts) by himself.
Unfortunately, just as we started to gain momentum, I injured my back. It meant a hiatus of a few months before I could resume running behind him while he learnt how to cycle. He was back to cycling with supporters.
Last week, we restarted the practice, and he was able to get going from day 2 -riding independently! It was a welcome surprise not just to both of us, but to his friends too!
I wonder how many times we push eagerly for somethings to fall into place. Yet, things have a way of materializing when the timing is right. In my son's case he had gotten taller over the year, and therefore more confident of his ability to stop himself of falling often if he failed to balance.