Falliable is OK

We are all fallible, and that’s ok

Often, with the best of intentions and while trying to be careful, we can come up short! We could end up having an emotional outburst, propagate a flawed perspective, have a perspective bias in our way of working, etc. Last week, in a debate with a leadership team member I was convinced how what I was saying was right. I vociferously kept making my point, while hearing (not necessarily internalizing) their viewpoint. We finally parked the discussion to be revisited after a week. With the time I bought for reflection, I realized I suffered from perspective bias (i.e. looking at things my way rather than the right/ neutral way). When we renewed the conversation, I conceded to the contrary viewpoint accepting my flawed stance.

It’s human to be fallible, and there is no point beating ourselves about it. What’s important is to know this, and actively do two things.
1. Guard against it to ensure we can minimize such instances
2. Be open and humble to know that sometimes we can be wrong and biased in our perspectives

The latter keeps us grounded, and enables those around us (irrespective of their level in the hierarchy) to debate our perspectives without feeling insecure.


Anticipation of reward


Not everbody is a run way genius