Our Why’s can Change


Our 'Why' can change, for we evolve as people and professionals.

It's ok if we don't desire what we once aspired for - be it that skill or title or dream company. As we evolve, so should our choices.

Giving ourselves the freedom to not be shackled by the chains of sunk cost in our careers - be it our prior education or skill set or experience within a firm - is difficult but rewarding.

Often, the most difficult part is not knowing how to pivot rather than whether we want to pivot. Two things can be invaluable in this journey
1. Looking for a road map laid out by others. The more we can meet & speak with people who have traversed what we intend to, the easier it gets. The mind starts to believe it's possible. I am not suggesting that we cannot create our own paths but that knowing how others created theirs's gives us confidence

2. Creating a sense of financial independence (or as close to it as possible) - My mentor once told me "Keep your needs to a minimum, so you can start becoming financially independent. Doing so enables you to choose your pursuits."

We can either create conscious change when we have the time or be forced into it unprepared.


Small Things


ALice in Wonderland