The World Is Magical


We tell a story to our son every night when we put him to sleep.

Sometimes we read out stories from books and sometimes we make up stories. He loves stories of magic, wizard and witches.

Last night, after the story session, some random thoughts crept into my mind. We question the existence of magic, convinced that it doesn't exist. But if we step outside of the know-it-all approach, there is magic all around (yes, with a dash of science). Think of it or try telling you child about the Big Bang (how the universe expanded from a size lesser than a pin to bigger than a galaxy within a moment), or the diversity of life under the sea, or about comets.

Leave the cosmic for a while. Even the professional world we live in is magical if we can take a step back & see things. Being able to connect, learn & collaborate with people in distant parts of the world, at the click of a button, is nothing short of magical. Or think of how some mentors take us under their wings and guide us to paths we never imagined existed. And yes, there are dangers that lurk in the magical spaces, like an evil (cyber attack) spell that can clamp down our systems and turn our work places into statues.


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