We are not Our Emotions


A tree is out there experiencing rain, wind, sunshine, heat, sometimes on the same day. At times the wind is particularly gusty, while at other times the sun shines very brightly. The tree doesn't become the wind even on windy days, nor does it become the rain on rainy days. It experiences the rain, sun and the wind.

Similarly, we are NOT our emotions. We experience emotions. In a typical day we experience so many different fleeting emotions, and sometimes certain emotions take over. In those moments, telling ourselves that I am not the emotion, but rather I am experiencing a certain emotion is very powerful in regaining control. It gives us the power to do things to control what we are experiencing.

Next time you are anxious/ angry/ sad, it's worth saying I am experiencing anger/ sadness AND NOT 'I am anxious' anxious/ angry'. Once you acknowledge what you are experiencing, the next question to ask is how can experience some other, more pleasant, emotion. Once you know what you want to experience you can likely take steps towards it.

For instance if you are experiencing frustration, but want to experience calm you could do deep breathing, or refocus on doing something that makes you more relaxed (reading/ walking etc) even if for a few mns. It really works!


ALice in Wonderland


The World Is Magical