Shouldn’t Hard Choices Be Simple

Shouldn't our hardest professional decisions really often be the simplest ones? For, the reason they are hard is that, the options at hand are equally good (or bad).

In those times, after doing some base level of analysis weighing the options, its worth taking the plunge with what "feels right". For too much analysis is unlikely to paint one option as much superior to the other(s).

The fact that our decision can pave very different life trajectory is what makes the decision making especially tough and agonising. But we need realise that this concept, though true, is elusive. Only when we choose one will we know how it really pans out, and never know about how any other option may have played out.

The mind has a way of playing tricks, especially when faced with the smallest troubles in our choosen option. In these situations it projects a Disneyland kind of life that we would have enjoyed had we gone for some other option, making us repent endlessly. This gets us into a viscious cycle of freezing up next time we have tough decision to make.

Training the mind to remain in the moment, and not project the 'what if scenarios' after we have made a choice is key. This is easier said than done, but meditation can help in this journey.


Intense Doesn’t Mean Tense


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