Musings, published a few times every week, are my attempt at sharing diverse perspectives to help us better navigate our lives.

The key theme I explore is how can we progress towards achieving our potential, and thereby become more accomplished & secure. Some of these ideas come from my own experience, while others come from a thorough study of management research & leadership books, perspectives from science, arts, history, and discussions with industry practitioners across sectors & functions.  

Gaurav Kumar Gaurav Kumar


This weekend I was speaking to a good friend. He is phenomenal at what he does, is well respected, & has seen a fast track career trajectory.

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Is the Experienced Indian Middle Class the Proverbial ‘Frog in Hot Water’?

Is the Experienced Indian Middle Class the Proverbial ‘Frog in Hot Water’?

There is near omnipresent trend centered on financial and career insecurity facing the Indian white collar middle class, especially those in their 30s-50s. Are we becoming the frog in hot water, not reacting fast enough to the changes all around us? Sharing my thoughts on what’s driving this, and how we could be better prepared for managing it. Look forward to hearing your perspectives on this.

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Career Musings, 2021 musings Gaurav Kumar Career Musings, 2021 musings Gaurav Kumar


We carry #stereotypes of what makes for a successful career in a particular role.

For instance, to be successful in HR you need to be more empathetic, or people in marketing need to be outgoing, or the finance person needs to be awesome at maths, or to be an entrepreneur you need to be a risk taker etc.

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The Gen X and Y Conundrum
Economic Outlook, 2021 musings Gaurav Kumar Economic Outlook, 2021 musings Gaurav Kumar

The Gen X and Y Conundrum

The Gen X and Y Conundrum in India

For the longest time (pre 1990), job options were limited in India. Most people worked in the government sector & a few in the private sector. People spent their entire lifetime in one job before they retired. Business options were limited to a select few who either had the capital or were daring to venture out on their own.

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Bike Riding with a Toddler
Career Musings, Life Musings, 2021 musings Gaurav Kumar Career Musings, Life Musings, 2021 musings Gaurav Kumar

Bike Riding with a Toddler

Last year, I was trying to teach my 5 year old how to ride a bike without supporters. It was challenging to say the least.

Last year, I was trying to teach my 5 year old how to ride a bike without supporters. It was challenging to say the least.

Every evening I would start by cajoling him to come for practice. Most days I managed to convince him, but not always!

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